Things to do & place to visit.


Aberdeen is located in south Hong Kong Island. 200years ago, there used to be a harbor, it was a ‘safe house’ for pirates.
And Aberdeen is also the earliest developed place in Hong Kong. Today we still can see a lot of ships, boats or yachts there.The boats for tourists, have meals on the boat and they can see Hong Kong island.

And they can rent a ship for fishing, or just visit the Hong Kong islands.

铜锣湾(Causeway Bay)

This is one of the most popular shopping and entertainment areas. There are over 200 fashionable shops, foreign restaurants, and entertainment.

中环(Central District)

Central District is a place for shopping, business, and numerous financial consultants offices. And there are many famous brand shops, famous restaurants and old and new buildings. It is a landmark of Hong Kong Island.